Why quit smoking - What Does Smoking Do To Your Body?
It is the nicotine in the cigaretes that causes an addiction. Tobacco is harmful for the health and can lead to several different serious diseases. quit smoking is the greatest health investment you can do. The chances to quit smoking increases powerfully if you use the right method and support.
If you are addicted to nicotine, a cigarette can give you an experience of changed mood, improved power of concentration and stretched comfort, but the nicotine causes a powerfully depending, that makes it difficult to finish. The cigarette depending leads with time to different shapes of bad health and it lead to an early dead.
Around 85 percent of adult smokers want to quit smoking. Only 2-3 manage to break the addiction on own hand. In entire the world smokes over a milliard people and it is the main reason for lots of severe diseases. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4 000 substances, of which about 50 causes cancer. Nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide is well known substances that causes injure.
If you compare a smoker with a non-smoker, the smoker will have:
- 15 times increased risk of getting lung cancer
- 10 times increased risk of getting esophageal cancer
- 10 times increased risk of getting chronic obstructive lung disease, COPD
- 5 times increased risk of getting heart attack if you are below 50 years
- 3 times increased risk of getting heart attack if you are above 50 years
- 3 times increased risk of getting urinary bladder cancer
- 3 times increased risk of getting stroke
- 3-4 times increased risk of getting periodontitis
- 3 times increased risk of getting macular degeneration
Furthermore the risk of getting other diseases increases. For an example the risk of getting Alzheimer increases 2-3 times.
Give your self an invaluable gift - quit smoking today.
quit smoking isn't an easy thing to do. If you want to try I have gathered 5 methods that works well. Become an ex-smoker today. Read more about one of the easiest methods Here
Symptoms Of Nicotine WithdrawalHome American Lung Association Site
Benefits American Lung Association Site
Public Health Focus Effectiveness Of Smoking Control
Learn The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smoking And How To Quit
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