Are Chantix Side Effects Riskier Than Smoking?
Chantix is a new drug from Pfizer that helps smokers quit their addiction and has been getting plenty of positive reviews since it was released back in 2006. One can hardly read a review of Chantix without the ex-smoker declaring it to be some sort of new God-sent miracle drug. However, despite the glowing positive reviews, as with most pharmaceuticals, there are side effects to be aware of. In other words, Chantix is not for everyone.
Some reported negative side effects of Chantix include nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbance, constipation, flatulence, and hard stool. One reported Chantix side effect that is not necessarily negative is lucid dreaming. From many reports (and from first-hand experience) these lucid dreams are actually pleasant experiences. Some people who have never remembered their dreams before are now remembering their dreams as "weird fun-filled rides" that they say are quite positive. Others have expressed that, although these "rides" can be pleasurable, they can leave them feeling exhausted in the morning.
The benefits of quitting smoking include: a reduced risk of death from stroke, heart disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and several types of cancer. Every year, smoking is responsible for about 130,000 deaths from cancer, 50,000 deaths from lung disease, and 170,000 deaths from heart disease. Quitting smoking today can dramatically increase your chances of avoiding these health issues.
Chantix works by blocking nicotine from causing positive feelings in the brain. When this positive reinforcement is taken away, the physical addiction of smoking is broken. Some people even report "gagging" on their cigarettes while on Chantix. However, breaking the physical addiction of smoking is just the first step. As all long-time smokers know, smoking is a lifestyle and letting go of a lifestyle can be a hard change. The stress of change alone can cause a person to reach for a cigarette to relieve the stress - a seemingly inescapable cycle. Thankfully, Chantix makes this lifestyle change much easier, but the person must still be committed to quitting. Chantix will not force a person to quit against their will.
Despite the fact that Chantix can have mild side effects on a minority of people, the overall risks of taking Chantix are extremely low, especially when you compare these minor risks to the high risks of smoking. Each person has a different body chemistry and will have varying experiences, but if you are a smoker who has tried and failed numerous times to break free of nicotine, even if you've been smoking for decades, Chantix will dramatically increase you chances of quitting.
Josh Darity writes about various topics. He maintains a blog about his Girlfriend's experience with Chantix. For more about what happened to his Girlfriend while on Chantix, please read My Girlfriend Tried Chantix. What Happened to Her?
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